Talented Children Republic Olympiad IBRO-2025

The Olympiad is conducted in the following subjects

IBRO 2025 - Mathematics
Grades 2-11
IBRO 2025 - Physics
Grades 9-11
IBRO 2025 - Informatics and computer science
Grades 9-11


Ta'limni rivojlantirish vazirligi
Fan olimpiada markazi
Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent


Ta'limni rivojlantirish vazirligi Maktab ta'lim vazirligi UzAuto

Talented Children Republic Olympiad

Prize fund 1 000 000 000 UZS

IBRO 2025

The most active school team gets a BYD chazor car*


I Round

(District stage)

April 1-7

II Round

(Regional stage)

May 13-20

III Round

(Final stage)

June 16-20



Main prize BYD CHAZOR

To the school team that participated most actively and took the highest places in the 3rd stage

Money Bag


Total prize fund


I,II,III place 10-11 grade students and (college, lyceum, technical school students)

Admission to the Polytechnic University of Turin and AKITA universities is granted on a 100% scholarship basis without entrance exams.


To the winners of grades 8-9

"Intellektual" camp is organized.

To the winners of grades 2-9

1-place - 1 000 000 UZS
2-place - 700 000 UZS
3-place - 500 000 UZS
4-10-place - 300 000 UZS
11-50-place - 200 000 UZS
51-100-place - 100 000 UZS

10th-11th grade students and
1st-2nd year college, lyceum, technical school students

1-place - laptop
2-place - tablet
3-place - smartphone
4-5-place - smartwatch
6-10-place - headphones
Students who find the most and fastest correct solutions in mathematics, physics, and computer science will be awarded an iPhone 16.

10th-11th grade students and
1st-2nd year college, lyceum, technical school students

The organizers will present special certificates of appreciation to the teachers of students who achieved the top 10 places in each subject.